Thinking Matters Evolution

Thinking Matters Evolution was designed to be a one-size-fits-all workbook approach for anyone wanting to learn skills that help change behavior. Recognizing that will power is not enough for most of us, Thinking Matters Evolution provides a way to learn about the thinking that leads to unproductive and unwanted behaviors. This is accomplished by learning how to identify, monitor and change the thinking that is fundamental to these behaviors.

Most cognitive behavioral approaches for changing behavior focus upon why people do the things that cause them problems. Thinking Matters Evolution uses a step-by step process to teach skills that help people understand their own thinking and decision making. 


This worksheet based approach employs a five step process begins with viewing situations objectively and moves toward alternative thinking for similar situations. Thinking Matters Evolution helps people discover and correct thinking that leads to risk of problem behaviors and is appropriate for adults and youth. 

In addition, to the participant workbook Thinking Matters Evolution has a version with a facilitator guide.    The easy to follow instructions help create an easy-to-manage atmosphere.  The facilitator guide leads the group manager through each exercise to maintain motivation and continuity.

Thinking Matters for Decision Making employs the same 5-step process for practicing a more productive set of skills that help people make better decisions.  A facilitator version is available in this volume as well.


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